2012 STCA Scholarship Winners

Chinese Opera at Warner Grand - A Smashing Success!

St Culture Advocacy co-hosted the Chinese Opera's February 22nd performance, "Chen Ying Rescues the Orphan." on Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro. There were great reviews for this fully-staged opera with it's elaborate costumes and vibrant story-telling.

The renowned Henan Yu Opera No. 2 Troupe brought their stunning rendition of Cheng Ying Rescues the Orphan to the American stage. The story follows the life of Cheng Ying who rescues a noble orphan child and the tragic events surrounding his family and past. Filled with heartbreak, self-sacrifice and revenge, Cheng Ying Rescues the Orphan, has survived through the ages. Now, this classic tale has again been brought to life as a Yu Opera on Broadway as well as on the lavish stage of the Warner Grand Theatre in San Pedro, CA.