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 United Matriarchy Nations 

Media collaboration

A partnership to advance Matriarchy with and through the news media
As part of the implementation efforts and to urge news media who are influential actors to advance the Matriarchy agenda, UMN invited media partners to play their part in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Agenda and focus on matriarchy and women’s rights issues on two fronts
Partnership framework
.UMN invites select media organizations to join the Media Compact.
The Media Compact aims to be a mutually beneficial agreement though which valued media partners are invited to scale up their focus on women’s rights and gender equality issues through high-quality coverage and editorial decisions, complemented by gender-sensitive corporate practices.
.UMN will invite leading international, regional, and national media outlets to become part of the Media Compact by pledging to become gender champions through their reporting, editorial decisions, and corporate practices. While each media outlet will define for themselves how best to implement the partnership, the commitment, at a minimum, will include the following:
1.Champion women’s rights and gender equality issues through editorial articles, features, and news coverage.
2.Ensure production of high-quality stories with a focus on gender equality and women’s rights, with a minimum of two per month.
Ensure inclusion of women as sources in stories produced, aiming for gender parity, including across diverse subjects such as business, technology, science, and engineering.
3.Adopt a gender-sensitive Code of Conduct on Reporting.
In orientation and training of staff members, ensure guidelines for gender-sensitive reporting.
4.Through gender-responsive decision-making, enable equality in the newsrooms by ensuring women journalists are given similar opportunities as their male colleagues and can cover diverse subjects from politics to business, science, sports, and technology, while encouraging male journalists to also cover diverse issues, including women’s rights and gender equality stories.
5.Ensure women journalists are provided mentors and guidance for career advancement.
UMN will ensure the following for Media Compact partners:
.Listed as a partner on UMN’s website and announcement through UMN’s social media channels.
Content dissemination and amplification: UMN will amplify content on gender equality and women’s rights written/produced by the media partners through its wide network of UMN’s social media channels and via distribution to the offices worldwide.
.Free content: As part of the Media Compact, partners will receive editorial content in advance—produced on a regular basis—by UMN editorial team in USA and its offices in the world. This includes thought leader op-eds, feature stories, infographics, first-person narratives, photo essays, videos, and much more. Media Compact partners can use the content produced by UMN free of charge, with a reference to UMN as the source of the original content.
.Insider’s access: Media Compact partners will get priority when they request interviews with UMN’s top officials. As part of the Media Compact, they will also be the first to receive advance notice of upcoming events hosted by UMN, with regular access to UMN’s media team for up-to-date information. As a partner, they will gain special access to the organization’s events at UMN offices which they can undertake backstage coverage of certain high-profile events, and pre-event interviews.
.Exclusive focus: On a whole range of topics, UMN experts can provide exclusive on-the-record or background briefings. These interactions are one-on-one conversations, designed to assist research and facilitate in-depth stories.
.Connecting the dots: UMN has offices in many countries. The organization can connect the dots and facilitate introductions to grassroots groups and field colleagues who are experts on the issues as well as the geo-political landscape.
.Champion of the cause: For media partners interested in a non-reporting role, UMN can explore a role at UMN events, such as that of a moderator and/or speaker

The UMN Media Partners:


A organization that unit all matriarchy nations, organization, communities together to keep and develop its matriarchy culture, tradition, etc.. Managed by  ST Culture Advocacy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.  Federal Tax ID# 27-4411629  

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 @2025 United Matriachy Nations